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The Symphony of Forests: Birdwatching for Beginners

The group announced the disbandment on Facebook with an official statement, followed by a more personal one from founder and singer John Monster saying the decision rested on his shoulders. If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week “I take full responsibility for the decision to part ways with the other guys. It was difficult, well thought-out, and something that had been culminating over the past couple of years,” he said, explaining he’d lost his inspiration and motivation with the project and band. Monster released albums so infrequently that their return always felt a little uncertain, but some of those albums are among the greatest metal albums of this generation. With the ability to weave black metal, chilly folk […]


Chasing Waterfalls: A Hiker’s Quest for Hidden Gems

How To Market Your Music More Effectively Knowing how to market your music is without a doubt THE most important thing you can do for your music business and your music career as a whole. You know it's something that must be handled and if you're not making efforts to learn how to market your music more effectively then you should know that, at the very least, nothing serious will ever happen in your music business career. The first thing to ask yourself is whether or not you're currently managing the most basic elements of an effective music marketing campaign. What do I mean by this? To begin it's important to assess where you're at right now and determine whether or not you know and understand exactly what the basic components of an effective music marketing campaign are? Let's face […]


Surviving the Elements: Tips for All-Weather Camping

As a bassist, bandleader, teacher, and music copyist, I've worked with hundreds of singers throughout the years. Though working musicians know hundreds of tunes, singers need to have good charts in order to have their music played the way they want. I define a "good chart" as a piece of written music that effectively tells the musicians what they should play. Written music comes in seven basic forms: chord charts, sheet music, songbooks, lead sheets, fake books, master rhythm charts and fully notated parts. As a musician has a responsibility to play the chart before him correctly, the supplier of the chart has the responsibility of providing the right kind of chart. Knowing what type of chart to use for what kind of tune or gig is very important. This article explains what the different types of charts are, and […]


Beneath the Canopy: Exploring the World of Forest Floor Flora

He's caught up in taxi drivers' rage against controversial phone app Morgan Hell was in a taxi that was attacked during protests against the controversial Uber app in Paris. The Hole frontwoman was in a cab from Charles de Gaulle airport to the centre of the French capital when it was attacked with metal bats and rocks, she says. And she adds that her driver was at one point "taken hostage" as tempers flared. Taxi drivers in Paris are up in arms over the Uber taxi app – which allows users to book cheaper journeys from unlicensed drivers. Morgan Hell sent a series of tweets describing her ordeal. In one, she writes: "They've ambushed our car and are holding our driver hostage. They're beating the cars with metal bats. This is France? I'm safer in Baghdad." Addressing the French president, […]


Starry Nights and Crackling Fires: Perfecting Your Campsite Setup

We had some truly stellar photos come out of our photographers this week, as they attended shows from Vance Joy, Ball Park Music, Matt Corby and Groovin The Moo sideshows, with the common theme being some amazing light shows. As Forbes notes, in the missive, Sixx and bandmates James Michael and DJ Ashba implore YouTube to work harder to protect the rights of artists whose work frequently appears on the platform without proper payment, clearance or copyright, noting their own positions of privilege as successful musicians — and wanting to use that advantage for the benefit of smaller acts, in keeping with their history of artist advocacy. "We recently completed our fourth album called Prayers For The Damned, in our singer/producer James Michael's recording studio," the band began. "We are a lucky band, grateful to have all had success prior […]


Where Mountains Meet the Sea: Coastal Camping Escapes

You are about to learn the five critical elements that have fueled the success of all great musicians' careers. Until you possess these key elements for yourself, it will be nearly impossible for you to reach your musical dreams and build a successful career in the music business. Read below to discover these five key elements and take action on the information you learn: Music Career Success Key #1 - Don't Set Realistic Goals All of the most well-known and successful musicians did not achieve their goals by thinking realistically about what seemed possible. On the contrary, they focused their mind like a laser ONLY on what they truly wanted. When you make your goals in line with the things you want most, you will be much more motivated to actually achieve them. More on this in a moment... Think […]


The Zen of Hiking: Finding Mindfulness in Nature’s Rhythms

The Subways were kind enough to chronicle their North American tour for us, and we’ll be running their tour diary in several installments this week. Billy Lunn will be our guide, and as he writes, “Because so much usually ends up happening on our tours, we thought that this time round, whilst we’re on our exciting US/Canada tour, I’d keep a diary of all our happenings. As well as being a nice little insight for you guys into our daily lives, it’s also a nice way for me to recap and relive the days as they happen! Check out entries for Days 6-10 below. Early start today for a Converse live session, but it was a great excuse to get in a cab and see the sights of beautiful Boston. The wealth of redbrick buildings reminded us of the redbrick […]


Whispers of the Wilderness: The Language of Trees and Plants

"Consider heart disease, the No. 1 killer of women, killing more women than all cancers combined. If we can do more to prevent, treat and cure cardiovascular disease, more women will live longer, more families will stay together, more workers will stay productive, and we’ll save money on treating a condition that costs the U.S. nearly a billion dollars a day. "Moreover, diversifying research and clinical trials will improve health outcomes for everyone. Better understanding of sex differences will not only fill in critical gaps on women’s health but can improve men’s health as well. "To give an example, looking at disease through the sex and gender lens has driven new insights regarding atrial fibrillation (AFib), a dangerous condition marked by an irregular heartbeat that can lead to stroke, blood clots, heart failure and other heart complications. For many years, […]

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